Friday 26 September 2008

Sexist - and rich?

Men with sexist views 'earn more'.

One of my colleagues alerted me to this recent news item on the BBC news channel. A piece of US research has found that men who think that women should stay at home rather than work outside the home will consistently out-earn more 'modern-thinking' men.

On average this meant an extra £4,722 a year.

The somewhat obvious conclusion of the study was that more traditional people are seeking to preserve the historical separation of work and domestic roles.

I was intrigued by the possible explanations of the earnings disparity - that traditionally minded men are more interested in power, or that employers are more likely to promote them if they are the sole breadwinner.

I wonder if this is really true in the UK as it may be in the US. Personally it doesn't really worry me - and if the whole US economy is about to collapse, lots of those high earners may not be earning anything at all before too long.

And more modern-thinking men, as they are called, often realise that there's more to life than work, so salary is not everything. They might believe that their spouse and children deserve a little more of their time, or they need some friends and leisure time.

And in the church - well, we get paid the same for the same job, but when it comes to who has a stipend and who does not, I think there is room for progress!

1 comment:

Jody Stowell said...


what I have found is that so many women go forward to the DDO thinking about NSM roles, who are more than capable (and called?) of a stipendiary ministry. unfortunately I reckon that the majority of the time this is not challenged by the DDO, but because the husband is the main breadwinner and there are issues with kid's schooling, the husband having to 'follow' the wife's job rather than vice versa many women who should be leading churches are not.

now, there is nothing wrong with being an NSM and the thing isn't about stipends or not (in one sense), but it is an indication that people are still very much happier to see women in the 'second in command' role (you know what I mean.....)

it will continue to be this way unless we are intentional in our seeking out and nourishing women who are called to leadership.